I was born and raised in Fredericksburg, TX. I graduated from Texas Tech University with my Bachelors & Masters degree. I was once in Physical Therapy school, but knew it was not a good fit. Went to get my MBA and fell in love with sales. I began my sales... Read more
I was born and raised in Fredericksburg, TX. I graduated from Texas Tech University with my Bachelors & Masters degree. I was once in Physical Therapy school, but knew it was not a good fit. Went to get my MBA and fell in love with sales. I began my sales career at Dell Technologies where I learned how to build customer relationships and rapport. It also taught me how to handle the fast pace environment within sales, which fuels my daily & long-term goals. I knew this would all translate to becoming a recruiter, and I know this will lead to my long-term success. Let's all be successful!
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