If you’ve been thinking about a career change, you’re not alone. We’ve talked many times about job seekers switching career paths into the world of technology, but what about switching paths within the tech field? Is it something that’s easily done? Do you continue to move up if you also move laterally? If you’re considering a change, it’s helpful to get some advice and resources before you start.
We asked Brent Ida, a Software Engineer at CyberCoders where he’s worked since 2018, about his career path. Brent started out as a Quality Control Analyst before making the transition to Full Stack Developer, and then ultimately software engineer. In fact, he began his career in a different field altogether.
Brent, what were you doing before you switched to the tech field and why did you make the move?
- Before switching to tech, I was working in a microbiology lab at a pharmaceuticals company. I worked there for two years and after some time, it became stagnant. Work was not challenging, and I felt like a robot doing the same thing every day.
How did you learn the new skills you’d need for this transition?
- I did a lot of self-learning using online resources as well as coding books. Once I realized that I enjoyed it and was ready to make the career change, I started doing research on bootcamps. I attended multiple info sessions and found one that was less like a bootcamp and more like an apprenticeship program. In order to get into the program, you had to pass an extensive coding test.
Once in a tech position – did you continue to learn new skills on the job?
- Once I had gotten into a tech position the learning has never stopped. That’s what I like about this job/industry is that there is always something new to learn as the various technologies are endless and constantly evolving.
Can you talk a little about the transition process? Were you worried you’d have to take a step back to make the lateral move?
- The transition process was scary. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I was worried that I would have to take a step back, but I was prepared to do so.
Was it difficult to convince employers that you were capable of and ready for a change?
- It definitely wasn’t easy. I think what’s important here is to be persistent with applications and apply to as many jobs as possible. It can be frustrating and demoralizing to send in application after application and never hear back from anyone but keep sending them in and someone will eventually give you a chance. Persistence is absolutely key.
Are there transferable skills (soft or hard) that served you well in all three positions?
- I think there are skills that are important in any job. Communication and teamwork are ones that kind of go hand in hand and could oftentimes be overlooked in terms of importance in this industry.
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Problem solving
Did you have to take a pay cut when you switched jobs?
- Throughout this journey I was lucky enough to have had my compensation only go up with each new job; however, I was prepared to take a pay cut if need be.
Would you do it all over again?
- In a heartbeat. It was the best thing I could have ever done.
Any tips/advice for those looking to do something similar?
- Do your research.
- Career changes can be scary, so make sure you do your research and do some self-learning before making any monetary investments.
- If you’re looking into bootcamps, do your research on them. They are all different so make sure that the one you choose fits your personality and lifestyle and will best help you attain your goals.
- Do it for the right reasons.
- This is not an easy transition and not for everyone. It can be easy to give up so make sure you want to make this jump for the right reasons.
- Do more than what you’re being asked of.
- When you do finally start a program, do more than what is ‘required’.
- Ask the right questions.
- Don’t just ask your instructors for the answers.
- Ask questions to help you problem solve instead of asking for answers.
- Ask questions like:
- “What can I look up to give me more information to accomplish XYZ?”
If you’re looking for new openings in the tech field, make sure to check out our open jobs.